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Collection: 消化 & 肠胃 Digestion & Stomach

3 of 51 products

  • Sold out
    New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou bai-zhu atractylodes combo extract 兰州健脾丸 200pills

    A traditional herbal supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy digestive system. 健脾開胃,用於調理脾胃虛弱,脘腹脹滿,食少便溏等不適。 *These statements have not been evaluated...

    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou digestinex extract 兰州香砂六君丸 200 pills

    A traditional herbal supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy digestive system. 益氣健脾,和胃。用於調理脾虛氣滯,消化不良,噯氣食少,脘腹脹滿,大便溏泄。 *These statements have not been evaluated...

    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    16 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou ginseng & yam combo extract 兰州人参健脾丸 200pills

    A traditional herbal supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy digestive system by establishing the body's natural balance. 健脾益氣,消食和胃。用于調理脾胃虛弱,...

    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    35 in stock
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