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Collection: Liver & Kidney

2 of 60 products

  • Sold out
    New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Li dan pian 利胆片 120 tablets

    A unique herbal supplement that helps promote and maintain proper gall bladder function by establishing the body's balance. *These statements...

    $ 7.99 USD
    $ 7.99 USD
    $ 7.99 USD
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Li dan pai shi pian 利胆排石片 120 pills

    A dietary herbal supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy digestive system. 清熱利濕,利膽排石,用於調理濕熱蕰毒,脾氣不通所致的不適。 *These statements have not been evaluated...

    $ 7.99 USD
    $ 7.99 USD
    $ 7.99 USD
    Only 10 units left
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