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Collection: 仙鹤牌中药 Stork Brand

149 products

  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Si miao san 仙鹤牌四妙散 240pills

    功能Function: 温养托毒,清热解毒 Dispel dampness, clears heat, opens the channels and collaterals, relieves pain. 用于素体虚弱,排脓不畅 For wind-damp heat syndromes marked by...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    38 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Sheng mai san 仙鹤牌生脉散 240pills

    功能Function: 补气,敛阴止汗,生津 Tonifies qi, tonifies yin, generates fluid, stops sweating. 帮助For: 体倦气短懒言,口渴多汗,咽干舌燥,脉虚弱 For deficiency of qi and yin causing fatigue,...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    25 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Qing qi hua tan wan 仙鹤牌清氣化痰丸 240pills

    功能Function:  清热化痰, 下气止咳. Transforming phlegm, clears heat, drains the lung, relieves cough. 帮助Help:  用于痰热应肺,咳嗽痰黄,粘稠鸡出,胸痛 For acute or chronic cough with...

    $ 11.99 USD
    $ 11.99 USD
    $ 11.99 USD
    16 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Nei xiao luo li wan 仙鹤牌内消瘰疬丸 240pills

    功能Function: 化痰散结,止痛 Disperses swelling, transforms phlegm, clears heat, resolves toxins, dissipates nodules. 帮助Help: 用于痰核,瘿瘤,多有情志不畅,胸胁胀痛不适,苔腻,静滑. For scrofulous swellings in the skin,...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    25 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Liu wei di huang wan 仙鹤牌六味地黄丸 240pills

    功能Function: 补阴,补益肝脾肾 Nourishes liver yin, cools deficiency heat, benefits kidney, contains jing. 帮助Help: 用于肾阴不足, 腰膝酸软, 骨蒸捞热,手足心热,遗精白灟. Use for deficiency of...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    19 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Ping wei san 仙鹤牌平胃散 240pills

    功能Function: 芳香化湿,和中健脾 Stems counterblow ascent of stomach qi, harmonizes the stomach, tonifies spleen qi. 帮助Help: 用于腕腹痞闷胀满,呕恶食少, 口中甜腻,不思饮食,便溏 For deficiency of...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    21 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Cang er zi san 仙鹤牌苍耳子散 240pills

    功能Function: 祛风解表, 散寒通穷, 除涕 Dispels pathogenic wind, eliminates heat, dispels turbidity, opens the nasal passages, relieves pain. 帮助Help: 用于外感风寒症,畏寒, 周身不适,头疼,鼻塞,鼻流灟涕...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    11 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    An shen bu xin wan 仙鹤牌安神补心丸 240pills

    功能Function: 養心安神 Subdues yang, invigorates blood, settles the heart, secures the kidney, calms shen. 帮助Help: 用于除整不是引起的心悸类碾頭暈耳鳴Use for disturbed shen due...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    40 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Fu ke ba zhen wan 仙鹤牌妇科八珍丸 240pills

    功能Function: 补益气血 Tonifies qi and nourishes blood. 用于气血两虚,面色苍白或萎黄,头晕眼花,四肢乏力,气短懒言, 妇女崩漏带下. For deficiency of both qi and blood, dizziness and dim eyesight,...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    40 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Er chen tang 仙鹤牌二陈汤 240pills

    功能Function:  燥湿化痰, 理气和中 Harmonizes the stomach, transforms and dispels phlegm, dries dampness. 帮助Help: 用于头眩心悸,胸膈痞闷,恶心呕心 Use for the accumulation of phlegm,...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    20 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Xiang sha liu jun zi tang 仙鹤牌香砂六君子汤 240pills

    功能Function: 补气,健脾,化痰,行气 Transforms phlegm, warms middle jiao, tonifies spleen qi, stems counterflow ascent of stomach qi, moves damp. 帮助Help: 帮助脾胃气虚,痰湿中阻,恶心呕吐,腕腹痞满,纳减消瘦....

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    49 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Zhen wu tang 仙鹤牌真武汤 240pills

    功能Function: 温阳利水,温补脾肾 Warms yang, eliminates damp, frees and benefits the movement of urine, invigorates blood and fluids. 帮助Help: 帮助阳虚水乏,身体重痛,小便不利 Help...

    $ 11.80 USD
    $ 11.80 USD
    $ 11.80 USD
    12 in stock
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