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Collection: 仙鹤牌中药 Stork Brand

150 products

  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Tao hong si wu tang 仙鹤牌桃红四物汤 240pills

    功能Function: 养血,活血,逐瘀 Tonifies blood invigorates blood in the liver and uterus, regulates menses. 帮助Help: 帮助血滞,头痛,胸痛及月经不调,量多粘稠,舌暗红 Help blood stagnation with blood...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    32 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Wen jing tang 仙鹤牌温经汤 240pills

    功能Function: 温经散寒,祛瘀养血 Dispels cold, tonifies qi, nourishes yin, warms the uterus, benefits yang, invigorates blood. 帮助Help: 用于经来或经后,经量或多或少,或逾期不止,或一月再行,手心烦热,久不受孕. 服用方法: 浓缩丸一天3次一次8粒Take 8...

    $ 10.50 USD
    $ 10.50 USD
    $ 10.50 USD
    48 in stock
  • Sold out
    New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Shao yao gan cao wan 仙鹤牌芍药甘草丸 240pills

    功能Function: 缓急止痛,舒筋解攀, Tonifies qi and blood harmonizes liver and spleen, relieves pain. 帮助Help: For liver blood stagnation causing spasm, cramps...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Mai wei di huang wan 仙鹤牌麦味地黄丸 240pills

    功能Function: 补阴,润肺补肾 Moistens the lung, nourishes lung qi, benefits kidney qi. 帮助Help: 用于肾不纳气,咳喘时发,声低息短,午后较甚. Use for chronic deficiencies of yin causing...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    43 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Huang lian shang qing wan 仙鹤牌黄连上清丸 240pills

    功能Function: 清热通便,散风止痛 Clears heat, drains fire, resolve toxins, dispels. pathogenic wind, frees the stool, relieves pain. 帮助Help: 热毒炙盛, 头痛目赤,咽痛,口舌生疮,心膈炙热,大便秘结.  For...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    41 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Fang feng tong sheng sang 仙鹤牌防风通圣散 240pills

    功能Function: 解表通里,清热解毒. Dispels pathogenic wind, clear heat, resolves toxins, frees the stool. 帮助Help: 用于外寒内热,表里俱实,憎寒壮热,头痛咽干,目赤肿痛,小便短赤,大便秘结,风疹湿疮 Use for pathogenic wind-heat causing common...

    $ 11.70 USD
    $ 11.70 USD
    $ 11.70 USD
    21 in stock
  • Sold out
    New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Bei xie bi xie sheng shi yin 仙鹤牌萆薢胜湿饮 240pills

    功能Function: 清热燥湿 Dispels pathogenic wind, dispels damp heat, clears heat, resolves toxin, disperses swelling. 帮助Help: 水肿, 痰饮,湿热下注, 脚气, 臁疮, 湿疹....

    $ 10.40 USD
    $ 10.40 USD
    $ 10.40 USD
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Zhi bo di huang wan 仙鹤牌知柏地黄丸 pills

    功能Function: 补阴,降火 Clears heat, subdues deficiency fire flourishing upwards, nourishes kidney yin. 帮助Help: 帮助肾阴不足,腰膝酸软,骨蒸劳热,手足心热,遗精白灟 Help yin deficiency fire flourish upwards...

    $ 11.60 USD
    $ 11.60 USD
    $ 11.60 USD
    48 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    San bi tang 仙鹤牌三痹汤 240pills

    功能Function: 去除风湿,补气血,益肝肾,强筋骨 Dispels wind, eliminates dampness, tonifies kidney yang, nourishes blood, warms the channels and collaterals. 帮助Help: 关节疼痛,四肢顽麻,屈伸不利,通治风寒湿三痹,无论新病或旧疾 For wind...

    $ 12.50 USD
    $ 12.50 USD
    $ 12.50 USD
    38 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Shen tong zhu yu tang 仙鹤牌身痛逐瘀汤 240pills

    功能Function: 活血祛瘀,通痹止痛 Break blood stasis moves qi and invigorates blood, opens the channels and collaterals, relieves pain. 帮助Help: 淤血挟风湿阻络,身痛,肩,臂腰,腿痛 For...

    $ 12.20 USD
    $ 12.20 USD
    $ 12.20 USD
    56 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Chai hu long gu mu li tang 仙鹤牌柴胡龙骨牧蛎汤 240pills

    功能Function: 和解清热, 镇惊安神 Subdues yang, releases excess from the talyang. Shaoyang and yangming. transforms phlegm, tonifies qi, smoothes liver qi....

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    46 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Yang yin qing fei tang 仙鹤牌养阴清肺汤 240pills

    功能Function: 养阴清热,清利咽喉 Clears deficiency heat transforms phlegm, nourishes lung yin, relieves cough, relieves pain. 帮助Help: 肺阴不足,干燥不适,声音嘶哑,口微干渴 For dry cough due...

    $ 11.80 USD
    $ 11.80 USD
    $ 11.80 USD
    36 in stock
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