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Collection: 仙鹤牌中药 Stork Brand

149 products

  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Xin yi san 仙鹤牌辛夷散 240pills

    功能Function: 祛风解表,散寒通穷,除涕 Dispels pathogenic wind and cold, transforms phlegm and dispels turbidly opens the nasal passage. 帮助Help: 帮助外感风寒证见畏寒,周身不适,头疼,鼻塞,鼻流清涕,舌苔薄白,脉浮紧. Help nasal...

    $ 11.00 USD
    $ 11.00 USD
    $ 11.00 USD
    40 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Jin gu die shang wan 仙鹤牌筋骨跌伤丸 240pills

    功能Function: 舒筋通络,接骨续伤 Tonifies blood, stops bleeding, invigorates blood, breaks blood stasis, strengthens shew and bond, relieves pain. 帮助Help: 用于跌打损伤,筋骨损伤,骨折,脱臼,伤筋等复位之后 Use...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    13 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Ping chuan wan 仙鹤牌平喘丸 240pills (6个-12个起订)

    功能Function: 化痰止咳平喘, 补肺温肾 Tonifies kidney qi and yang, tonifies lung qi, calms wheezing, relieves cough. 帮助Help: 用于支气管哮喘,慢性支气管炎所致的咳嗽哮喘 For chronic asthmatic...

    $ 11.80 USD
    $ 11.80 USD
    $ 11.80 USD
    16 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Dan gui yin zi wan 仙鹤牌当归饮子丸 240pills

    功能Function: 去除风湿,养血补气 Invigorates blood, dispels wind, tonifies qi and blood, claims shen, relieves itching. 帮助Help: 用于疮疥风廯,湿毒瘙痒 Use for skin itching...

    $ 12.40 USD
    $ 12.40 USD
    $ 12.40 USD
    12 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Da bu yin wan 仙鹤牌大补阴丸 240pills

    功能Function: 补阴, 降火 Clear heat, subdues deficiency fire, nourishes kidney yin, stop sweating. 帮助Help: 用于阴虚火旺,潮热盗汗,咳嗽咯血,足膝疼热. Use for yin deficiency fire...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    18 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Bao he wan 仙鹤牌保和丸 240pills

    功能Function:肖積導滯、和胃Dispels food stasis, harmonizes, he stomach. stems counterflow ascent of stomach qi, clears heat, dispels damp, tonifies spleen qi, promotes...

    $ 11.90 USD
    $ 11.90 USD
    $ 11.90 USD
    47 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Yu nv jian 仙鹤牌玉女煎 240pills

    功能Function: 清胃热,滋肾阴,凉血 Removes heat from the stomach and spleen, nourishes yin, removes heat from the blood. 帮助Help: 肾阴虚,胃火旺,烦热口渴,口干口臭,口舌糜烂,牙龈肿痛 Help dysphoria...

    $ 11.80 USD
    $ 11.80 USD
    $ 11.80 USD
    46 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Yu quan wan 仙鹤牌玉泉丸 240pills

    功能Function: 滋阴润燥,养肺,止渴 Clears heat, generates fluid to stop thirst, nourishes kidney yin, tonifies spleen qi, contains jing. 帮助Help:  帮助肺胃津枯,烦渴多饮,小便频数 Help...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    48 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Ming mu di huang wan 仙鹤牌明目地黄丸 240pills

    功能Function: 补益肝肾,益晴明目 Nourishes liver blood, nourishes liver and kidney yin, subdues yang, benefits the eyes. 帮助Help:  肝肾不足,视力下降,眼前阴影飘荡,外观无异 For eye conditions...

    $ 10.50 USD
    $ 10.50 USD
    $ 10.50 USD
    48 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Du huo ji sheng tang 仙鹤牌独活寄生汤 240pills

    功能Function: 去除风湿, 益肝肾, 补血气,  止痛 Strengthen tendon and bone, dispels wind cold and eliminates dampness, tonifies blood, invigorates blood, tonifies...

    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    $ 11.50 USD
    49 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Ba ji yin yang wan 仙鹤牌巴戟阴阳丸 240pills

    功能Function: 温腎壯陽、補血調經 Tonifies kidney yang, nourishes. kidney yin, dispels wind and eliminates dampness, tonnes blood, astringes jing. 帮助Help: 用于腎陽不足,腎精虧乏所致的,男子陽痿早泄,女子經閉不孕 For...

    $ 11.90 USD
    $ 11.90 USD
    $ 11.90 USD
    48 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Zhi ke san 仙鹤牌止咳散 240pills

    功能Function: 祛风化痰,宣肺止咳,疏表 Dispels wind and resolves phlegm, facilitate the flow of the lung qi to relieve cough 帮助Help: 帮助眩晕,胸闷,咳嗽痰多色 Help...

    $ 11.80 USD
    $ 11.80 USD
    $ 11.80 USD
    45 in stock
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