

Dakening miconazole nitrate cream 20g uses for Body skin ringworm

Help skin, toe, and nail infections caused by fungi, yeasts, and other fungi, such as body ringworm, hand and foot ringworm, tinea versicolor, head ringworm, Oral keratitis, otitis externa, etc.

Wash the affected area, apply the ointment to the affected area, and use it once in the morning and evening.

1. 幫助由皮真菌、酵母菌及其他真菌引起的皮肤、指(趾)甲感染,如:体股癣、手足癣、花斑癣、头癣、须癣、甲癣;皮肤、指(趾)甲念珠菌病;口角炎、外耳炎。由于本品对革兰阳性菌有抗菌作用,可用于此类细菌引起的继发性感染。

2. 由酵母菌(如念珠菌等)和革兰阳性细菌引起的阴道感染和继发感染。


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*产品的说明信息未经美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的评估审查,因此不宜作药用注解, 请在使用前咨询医生.



Dakening miconazole nitrate cream 20g uses for Body skin ringworm

Help skin, toe, and nail infections caused by fungi, yeasts, and other fungi, such as body ringworm, hand and foot ringworm, tinea versicolor, head ringworm, Oral keratitis, otitis externa, etc.

Wash the affected area, apply the ointment to the affected area, and use it once in the morning and evening.

1. 幫助由皮真菌、酵母菌及其他真菌引起的皮肤、指(趾)甲感染,如:体股癣、手足癣、花斑癣、头癣、须癣、甲癣;皮肤、指(趾)甲念珠菌病;口角炎、外耳炎。由于本品对革兰阳性菌有抗菌作用,可用于此类细菌引起的继发性感染。

2. 由酵母菌(如念珠菌等)和革兰阳性细菌引起的阴道感染和继发感染。


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*产品的说明信息未经美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的评估审查,因此不宜作药用注解, 请在使用前咨询医生.


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Da Ke Ning Miconazole Nitrate Cream 达克宁硝酸咪康唑软膏乳膏 20g

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$ 8.99
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$ 8.99
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