

Mai Wei Di Huang Wan is originated from the classical formula in "Shou Shi Bao Yuan" in Qing Dynasty. This formula is made from 100% all natural herbs of the highest quality and manufactured with modern scientific methods. It is a very helpful in nourishing the lungs and kidneys and is commonly used as a tonic formula in geriatric lung deficiency presentations (where there is a dry nonproductive cough).

麥味地黃丸起源於清代的“壽世保元”。 這個配方是由100%的所有最高質量的天然草藥和現代科學方法製造的。 這對滋補肺部和腎臟非常有幫助。


组成: 麦冬,生地,茯苓,五味子,郁金,白芍,乌药,丹皮,泽泻,萸肉,山药 归身。


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*产品的说明信息未经美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的评估审查,因此不宜作药用注解, 请在使用前咨询医生.


Mai Wei Di Huang Wan is originated from the classical formula in "Shou Shi Bao Yuan" in Qing Dynasty. This formula is made from 100% all natural herbs of the highest quality and manufactured with modern scientific methods. It is a very helpful in nourishing the lungs and kidneys and is commonly used as a tonic formula in geriatric lung deficiency presentations (where there is a dry nonproductive cough).

麥味地黃丸起源於清代的“壽世保元”。 這個配方是由100%的所有最高質量的天然草藥和現代科學方法製造的。 這對滋補肺部和腎臟非常有幫助。


组成: 麦冬,生地,茯苓,五味子,郁金,白芍,乌药,丹皮,泽泻,萸肉,山药 归身。


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*产品的说明信息未经美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的评估审查,因此不宜作药用注解, 请在使用前咨询医生.

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