Helps to support a healthy circulatory system.
Directions: Simply pour a cup of boiling water over tea bag let steep for 3-5 minutes. Best when consumed with meals.
金童最新配方乌龙降糖茶, 选用国家旅游胜地太姥山麓特产的白毛乌龙,具有养胃生津,益气固肾,润肠通便,除烦止渴等功能。有助于血液循环系统的健康,能消除糖尿病者口渴,多饮等现象,亦为常人饮服佳品。
Helps to support a healthy circulatory system.
Directions: Simply pour a cup of boiling water over tea bag let steep for 3-5 minutes. Best when consumed with meals.
金童最新配方乌龙降糖茶, 选用国家旅游胜地太姥山麓特产的白毛乌龙,具有养胃生津,益气固肾,润肠通便,除烦止渴等功能。有助于血液循环系统的健康,能消除糖尿病者口渴,多饮等现象,亦为常人饮服佳品。
Oolong Xiaoke Tea 金童牌乌龙降糖茶 24 Tea Bags
- Regular price
- $ 8.50
- Sale price
- $ 8.50
- Regular price