

Function and Indications: Help stomachache due to heat-dampness accumulated, Qi and blood stagnation, symptoms: abdominal dull pain, swelling and distention, acid reflux, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite; superficial gastritis, erosive gastritis see the above symptoms.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Functions: Heat-clearing and damp-drying, promoting qi to activate blood, nourishing liver to relieve pain.

Specification and Package: 20g*6 sachets/box.

Usage: For oral use after meals,1 sachet twice daily or by medical order.

三九胃泰是一个在市场上畅销二十多年的药界长青树,它精选三桠苦、九里香等天然纯中药,共奏清热燥湿、行气活血、柔肝止痛之效。虽经历岁月的变迁,一直广大胃病患者所认可,有着“胃药之王”的美誉。 组成:三叉苦、九里香、两面针、广木香、云苓、白芍、生地、丹参等。

适用於:上腹隐痛,饱胀、反酸、恶心、呕吐、纳减、心口嘈杂感等及浅表性胃炎、糜烂性胃炎、萎缩性胃炎等慢性胃炎见有上述证候者。 功能:清热祛湿,消炎止痛,理气除胀,养胃益肠。


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*产品的说明信息未经美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的评估审查,因此不宜作药用注解, 请在使用前咨询医生.


Function and Indications: Help stomachache due to heat-dampness accumulated, Qi and blood stagnation, symptoms: abdominal dull pain, swelling and distention, acid reflux, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite; superficial gastritis, erosive gastritis see the above symptoms.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Functions: Heat-clearing and damp-drying, promoting qi to activate blood, nourishing liver to relieve pain.

Specification and Package: 20g*6 sachets/box.

Usage: For oral use after meals,1 sachet twice daily or by medical order.

三九胃泰是一个在市场上畅销二十多年的药界长青树,它精选三桠苦、九里香等天然纯中药,共奏清热燥湿、行气活血、柔肝止痛之效。虽经历岁月的变迁,一直广大胃病患者所认可,有着“胃药之王”的美誉。 组成:三叉苦、九里香、两面针、广木香、云苓、白芍、生地、丹参等。

适用於:上腹隐痛,饱胀、反酸、恶心、呕吐、纳减、心口嘈杂感等及浅表性胃炎、糜烂性胃炎、萎缩性胃炎等慢性胃炎见有上述证候者。 功能:清热祛湿,消炎止痛,理气除胀,养胃益肠。


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*产品的说明信息未经美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的评估审查,因此不宜作药用注解, 请在使用前咨询医生.

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