Schisandra is used for preventing early aging and increasing lifespan, normalizing blood sugar and blood pressure, stimulating the immune system, and speeding recovery after surgery. It is also used for treating liver disease (hepatitis) and protecting the liver from poisons.
这种五味俱全、五行相生的果实,能对人体五脏——心、肝、脾、肺及肾发挥平衡作用。 五味子味甘酸,性温,有补肾宁心、益气生津、固表止汗等功效,常用于肺肾虚喘、内热消渴、自汗盗汗、心悸失眠、多梦健忘等证。
Schisandra is used for preventing early aging and increasing lifespan, normalizing blood sugar and blood pressure, stimulating the immune system, and speeding recovery after surgery. It is also used for treating liver disease (hepatitis) and protecting the liver from poisons.
这种五味俱全、五行相生的果实,能对人体五脏——心、肝、脾、肺及肾发挥平衡作用。 五味子味甘酸,性温,有补肾宁心、益气生津、固表止汗等功效,常用于肺肾虚喘、内热消渴、自汗盗汗、心悸失眠、多梦健忘等证。
Schisandra berry 五味子
- Regular price
- $ 3.50
- Sale price
- $ 3.50
- Regular price